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  • RNAGlib: a library to manipulate RNA structural data. RNAglib also includes a benchmarking facility with a set of tasks and metrics on RNA structure-function relationship.
  • CrAI: CrAI is a lightweight tool to predict the location of antibodies in cryo-EM maps. It is available as as ChimeraX plugin
  • RNAmigos: an RNA virtual screening tool, available on Google Colab.
  • quickSOM: a GPU-based implementation of the Self-Organising Maps algorithms, with support for Jax or Pytorch backends.
  • Komet: a Kronecker-optimized method for drug-target interaction prediction
  • PyCombat: a Python implementation of ComBat for batch effects correction
  • gwas-tools: discover susceptibility genes in GWAS using network-guided approaches
  • MuGLasso GWAS: multitask group lasso to analyze GWAS data across diverse populations
  • kernelPSI: Post-selection inference with kernels
  • epiGWAS: Robust methods for epistasis detection
  • martini: GWAS incorporating networks in R (includes SConES)
  • ZINBWaVE: Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial based Wanted Variation Extraction
  • HiC-Pro : An optimized and flexible pipeline for Hi-C processing
  • [PASTIS]: Poisson-based Algorithm for STable Inference of DNA Structure
  • [FlipFlop]: Fast Lasso-based Isoform Prediction as a Flow Problem
  • [TIGRESS]: Trustful inference of gene regulation using stability selection
  • [ProDiGe]: Prioritization of disease genes
  • [GFLseg]: Group fused lasso for signal segmentation
  • [ClusterPath]: Clustering using convex fusion penalties
  • [FREEC]: Control-FREE Copy number caller from deep-sequencing data
  • [GraphM]: Graph matching package
  • [PARIS]: Pocket Alignment in Relation to Identification of Substrates
  • [SIRENE]: Supervised Inference of REgulatory NEtwork
  • [KISS]: MHC-I epitope prediction
  • [GAkernel]: Global alignment kernel for time series comparison
  • [DSIR]: design of siRNA
  • [ChemCpp]: a C++ toolbox for chemoinformatics integrating the computation of kernels functions between chemical compounds
  • [SLP-Local]: prediction of protein subcellular localization from their amino-acid sequence with support vector machines
  • [NGrid]: open source grid computing framework