import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n_stories = 1000 # number of walkers t_max = 200 # time during which we follow the walker # We randomly choose all the steps 1 or -1 of the walk t = np.arange(t_max) steps = 2 * np.random.random_integers(0, 1, (n_stories, t_max)) - 1 print np.unique(steps) # Verification: all steps are 1 or -1 # [-1, 1] # We build the walks by summing steps along the time positions = np.cumsum(steps, axis=1) # axis = 1: dimension of time sq_distance = positions**2 # We get the mean in the axis of the stories mean_sq_distance = np.mean(sq_distance, axis=0) # Plot the results: plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) plt.plot(t, np.sqrt(mean_sq_distance), 'g.', t, np.sqrt(t), 'y-') plt.xlabel(r"$t$") plt.ylabel(r"$\sqrt{\langle (\delta x)^2 \rangle}$")