""" Discover the periods in ../../data/populations.txt """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = np.loadtxt('../../data/populations.txt') years = data[:, 0] populations = data[:, 1:] ft_populations = np.fft.fft(populations, axis=0) frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(populations.shape[0], years[1] - years[0]) periods = 1 / frequencies plt.figure() plt.plot(years, populations * 1e-3) plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Population number ($\cdot10^3$)') plt.legend(['hare', 'lynx', 'carrot'], loc=1) plt.figure() plt.plot(periods, abs(ft_populations) * 1e-3, 'o') plt.xlim(0, 22) plt.xlabel('Period') plt.ylabel('Power ($\cdot10^3$)') plt.show() # There's probably a period of around 10 years (obvious from the # plot), but for this crude a method, there's not enough data to say # much more.